The need
It is estimated that there are several hundred men and women in Leeds and Bradford who have been made destitute because they have been refused asylum. Many of these individuals cannot reasonably return to their country of origin because of persecution and insecurity. They may have been refused due to a lack of understanding in questioning, a lack of English or because they have provided muddled information to the Home Office due to re-telling a story which was a harrowing experience for them. They are stuck in the UK without the right to work or to any state funding. Many of these people are forced to work illegally and often in dangerous situations and are homeless.
Our Response
Our Destitution Project offers these individuals an alternative by providing them a room in a shared house, a weekly allowance, food parcels, bus money, advice and support and signposting services. Our aim is to see our residents' emotional, physical and spiritual well-being be cared for to allow them the stability they need to appeal their negative decision or consider their other options. We are based in Bradford City Centre and currently manage 5 houses across the city.
If you are an asylum seeker who needs our support or a professional who would like to make a referral please contact our Destitution Project and speak to Amanda Church Michael.
We have moved offices.
In Summer 2018 we moved our office in Bradford to 4 Easby Road, Bradford, BD7 1QX. We are now hosted by Touchstone.