We have all been moved by the crisis in Afghanistan, with many people asking ‘How can I help’?
Over the past few weeks we have observed so much good will and generosity from people to donate goods and offer practical help. At Abigail Housing we continue our work to support destitute asylum seekers in Bradford (those with no recourse to public funds), and recently recognised refugees in Leeds.
Those we support have usually travelled to the UK via irregular routes, forced to make dangerous journeys in order to reach safety here in the UK – which may also include those fleeing from Afghanistan, and not arriving by chartered plane. We offer 19 destitute bed spaces in Bradford and 68 in the Leeds Refugee Project, at any given time, with residents relying on our support to rebuild and move on with their lives.
If you are looking for ways to help during this crisis we suggest:
- Before collecting/organising donations speak to local organisations and establish what is needed – For donations in Bradford contact Bradford City of Sanctuary, who have an updated list of what is required and are working with local providers to ensure these items are distributed to those in need.
- Contact local organisations about volunteering.
- Raise awareness about the issues faced by asylum seekers and refugees and challenge misconceptions.
- Speak to your local council who will be able to advise about hosting in your home.
- Write to your local MP and have your say on the Nationality and Borders Bill.
The biggest threat to entire sector working to support asylum seekers and refugees, and also to the lives of those seeking sanctuary here in the UK (including Afghan nationals unable to make it out of Afghanistan through the Government’s resettlement programmes and onto chartered flights), is the Nationality and Borders Bill. In response we have joined a national coalition, ‘Together with Refugees’, made up of over 100 organisations campaigning to stop this bill and to show our solidarity and support.
How can you help
We know that those who were unable to make it out of Afghanistan through the Government’s resettlement programmes, will be forced to make perilous journeys in order to reach safety here in the UK. If the proposed Nationality and Borders Bill goes ahead then for those who do come to the UK, via these ‘irregular routes’ (i.e. not by a government resettlement scheme or on a chartered flight) will be criminalised. You can help by writing to your MP and speaking out against the Bill.
We will keep updating this page as things progress, to provide information of where people can offer their support during this crisis.
The following link from Migration Yorkshire provides useful information on ways to help and Support Afghan people in the Yorkshire region: https://www.migrationyorkshire.org.uk/?page=supporting-afghan-people
A note from Bradford City of Sanctuary
“Please do remember that Bradford also hosts a very large number of people seeking asylum from many other countries who, like the Afghans, have fled unimaginable trauma in their home countries. There are many opportunities to support these, some of which are listed on our Local Volunteering Opportunities page. Do get in touch if you would like to discuss.
In terms of clothing, household goods, children’s toys, etc, our inspiring friends at Biasan are always needing items for their store – see attached flyer.”
Whilst you’re here – After reading this update if you would like to support the work of Abigail Housing please visit our Virgin Money Giving page by clicking here.