We rely on the donations from our supporters in order to continue our work. Please consider supporting us financially, or by donating items, or by fundraising for us.
Most of our donations go to supporting the work of our Destitution Project. Those supported by the Bradford Project are homeless and destitute as a result of their immigration status.
Financial support
Your gifts are processed securely by Donorbox.
One-time donations
Monthly donations
Your donation in action
Bus pass – £5 pays for travel to attend vital appointments and/or to participate in community activities.
Food parcel – £15 – This will provide basic groceries per president for one week.
One night’s housing – £25 – This will house, support and feed an asylum seeker for one night in our Destitution Project.
Contribution to household equipment– £100 – This will help to buy & replace essential larger items to make a house a home including soft furnishings, curtains, white goods and electrical items.
Other ways you can support us:
Regular bank transfer either use the donate function on the website or email us at asylumseeker@abigailhousing.org.uk for our bank details.
If you are eligible to gift aid your donation please complete the Gift Aid Declaration on the donate function or contact us for a form. This allows us to claim an additional 25 per cent of the value of your donation without it costing you a penny more.
Please contact us if you’re running an event or taking sponsorship to raise money for us and require help to set up an online page, we can run a campaign through Donorbox.
Thank you for your generosity! If you have any questions please contact us.
If you’d like to receive our quarterly newsletter please email us at the above address.
Gifts in kind
We greatly appreciate donations of food and toiletries which are directly distributed to our residents and the houses they live in. The most useful items for our clients are listed below. Donations can be dropped off in office hours at our offices located 4 Easby Road, Bradford, BD7 1QX or 197 Woodhouse Street, Leeds, LS6 2NY (9am – 5pm Monday to Friday) or collection can be arranged. Please contact the Destitution Office to arrange this.
Regular food items that are required are
Basmati rice, vegetable oil, coffee, biscuits, tinned fish (in sunflower oil), lentils, canned chick peas,
tomatoes, sweetcorn, mushrooms & kidney beans, honey, smooth peanut butter, long life semi or whole
milk, soya milk, cous-cous, chocolate & crisps
Fresh food: Fruit, vegetables & bread – please contact us first
Toiletries: toothpaste, toothbrush, shower gel, shampoo (particularly for men), razors, shaving foam &
deodorant, toilet roll.
Household items: Washing powder, washing up liquid, hand soap, bin bags, cleaning products, kitchen